Quoted By:
>kicked out of art school
>went on rants about the uselessness and incompetence of Italians
>detailed her fantasies of genociding the Mushroom Kingdom
>abstains from drugs
>built a concentration camp for chickens in MeinKraft
>excellent public speaker
>made Gura do the Roman Salute
>was unjustly imprisoned by Jewtube for a period, during which she created her anti-Jewtube manifesto
>keeps sneaking extreme racist pejoratives against blacks into her streams
>her morning cry is the name of an anti-semitic satire magazine that ran in Austria and was partnered with the Nazi party
>called her KFP "the superior race"
>literally said "real jew" on stream
>literally said "6 million" on stream
>said that people should represent their own country
Don't worry about it goy.