>>25702048In a rather disheartening way, I think the problem this time is still a time management problem like what that she had in March and April, just in a different direction. She had a schedule made of all her obligations up to the live mapped out, which goes a long way to help with the previous time management problem of her having all these things she wanted to do, but having to cancel and reschedule all the time cause she didn't consider stuff she already said yes to previously. However, it's been pretty clear that her schedule is way too fucking tight, that she really has no wiggle room if things go wrong. I 100 percent believe that we were going to get more solo streams by this point on her travels, but her laptop and phone decided to shit itself on stream, but due to her tight schedule, she pretty much has no time to really fix it or do anything about it. While we might not mind, going off previous shit Mori has said, this sort of scuff is going to bother her immensely, she's "supposed" to be past this sort of stage as a streamer. And because of it, she had to cancel a multi-person collab she had set up prior (while it wasn't entirely in her control, this sort of cancellation is what the schedule was specifically trying to avoid)
I think she forgot she's a human being with human limitations. I imagine being constantly jet lagged through this whole thing isn't helping her either, and while it's an assumption more than anything else on my end, I imagine she really underestimated how jetlag was gonna fuck her up.