>>25902245Being anonymous means you have nothing to gain from the posts you make since they will not tie to future posts unless you are part of a reply chain, which again don't matter because others can hop in your place and continue the chain from there.
This natural leads people to try being attention whores and gain notoriety from an otherwise useless post, defeating the purpose of anonymity and shitting up discussions in the process, which is why issues like samefagging exist.
On the other hand, mentally sane people can express themselves to their hearts content without fear of their comment being traced back to "them" since "their" post could have been anyone's. This leads to really deep and unfiltered discussion being possible, which is not really the case in places like twitter where people can trace back whatever statement you made and harass you forever until you choose to leave those profiles behind. The most they can do here is reply to you and call you a fag, and that would be the end of it.