>>25937240Sometimes I really do pity Americans.
People often say that America has no Culture, which is not true, but it's just that many parts of American culture are extremely ugly, anti-social, ruthlessly brutal or soullessly corporate.
The country is build on violently oppressing the natives and enslaving Africans. People are isolated and live in soulless cities, half of which are parking lots or massive street/road hybrids. They live in their copy-pasted suburban house, and drive 40 minutes to the next bigbox store and the the bulk of interaction with their fellow countrymen is via traffic.
Anti-intellectualism is rampant, and despite being known for their hospitality, the poor or anyone less fortunate is seen and treated like subhuman vermin. Being egoistic is seen as a virtue by many instead of the anti-social behavior it is.
The only thing they have in common is mass media. And so they try to cling to the culture of their ancestors. Describing themselves as Irish, Italian or German despite knowing nothing about that culture and never having set foot in the country.
There is such a thing as an American Identity but it is ugly and I can see why many want to distance themselves from it. I would too if I were American.