Here are some numbers around Salome's clippers. This is sorted by total views with Salome, with some numbers around the channel.
Channel Total Clips Salome Clips Total Views Salome Views Salome %
UCVbeHt0tnKLn94ypFqdTidw 60 60 4,840,013 4,840,013 100.0%
UCP3LeHi4J0jOHyrA02aahpQ 365 9 26,430,504 2,529,927 9.6%
UC0dPONsDwaAS0THJ9MZZoIQ 81 21 3,748,159 2,244,690 59.9%
UCYbyDR1JPGCw3eDhIX8a3HQ 84 11 7,448,676 2,202,216 29.6%
UC9ei8Md-AeYnnvPisB_hG0A 62 12 9,636,955 2,140,941 22.2%
UCTk7oeLeSCOO4Kb14-pHWYA 549 2 118,508,633 1,904,380 1.6%
UCurCD5CZFluZu7Szcc8WXXg 318 4 143,655,894 1,817,468 1.3%
UC4pRflMbspg-5JMMRWWu-9g 149 11 6,340,085 1,639,097 25.9%
UCY_3snAJ6ppFp1HGRppBt-g 29 29 1,605,164 1,605,164 100.0%
UCeoFz8p5HzS9k7RFrlTZ-EQ 758 14 55,391,297 1,521,602 2.7%
UC_T8F2CvqZOwa2kme0WwRhg 747 1 106,211,710 1,205,227 1.1%
UCTEffChJct6m2Da4AYSGF5A 1232 32 24,055,542 1,141,498 4.7%
UCPdy0U-liU_c_2WiFntRfzA 41 19 1,123,890 1,115,873 99.3%
UCSy4ovsHKC3OsmO3gfSupLw 388 5 52,353,332 1,046,352 2.0%
UCqWo0kCEK6ZQ1hM_NLFhYaA 512 4 51,591,420 1,035,307 2.0%
UCHYOU7u9gTHfzETAYBSnhDw 176 4 14,161,974 980,345 6.9%
UCeuNlK0yX-6_4930q0JUGNw 952 3 130,340,850 879,996 0.7%
UCZN_yTZNc3IsZaoRUoav2jA 65 2 26,839,387 771,780 2.9%
UCih9_CxhVBeamrHErM3qVlw 355 5 46,792,603 766,678 1.6%
UClgnCQJmkwUytgEHu-32OQA 142 1 74,497,404 759,263 1.0%
UCqwNLpNEtNf7PYc_Kh7SOMw 147 2 76,357,302 667,954 0.9%
UC19A4IO0rHI3mseJEAOMgcQ 21 1 1,066,162 610,152 57.2%
UCUq6BqMX6nthKI3t698Rcaw 438 7 70,136,792 605,363 0.9%
UCP_JqBPnBipx_ZIrbe2jFpg 182 3 22,853,851 591,960 2.6%
UCpVJR3HcV159uUYHHcfideQ 54 1 15,238,308 558,883 3.7%
UCTMX5uapPG7aDJ4Q8-uAaHQ 354 25 2,692,188 513,736 19.1%
UCLBaYdhowZ25yGbQzP-t3_A 603 15 15,168,921 505,849 3.3%
UCrfStwTl359tACtITSKwYVA 423 15 4,155,050 502,029 12.1%
UCEgdnRPf7jUNx6YhV2zVBjA 764 3 45,583,877 476,122 1.0%
UCX74--eReL-ndh-b2ywGAag 81 6 7,293,397 408,263 5.6%
UCQbPnCjvbJjXW6uhpCOjuUA 160 3 34,677,997 407,421 1.2%
UCfIjR2neqlh4KT-E0sM3FvQ 89 2 16,260,040 393,457 2.4%
UC7vbk2vyETp9ZbpWqDRvAVg 348 2 30,860,290 389,893 1.3%
UCsyA0SGTFgiJ8S2qV0-VDbA 56 1 3,592,202 363,411 10.1%
UCcImYKnFoOh00bTNpNAShPw 147 20 3,238,679 351,657 10.9%
UCLCy2HgM3eBD9S_HuyZ5ZyQ 390 11 20,126,756 324,345 1.6%
UCTspbVadzvTyq7hyFiZK-ZQ 235 12 10,296,341 322,382 3.1%
UCPLWh2dIcQOlnDoalTdWVBg 333 6 13,923,619 271,896 2.0%
UCse6cwvJEOCZUOdq3WAcYNA 507 1 15,961,956 270,477 1.7%
UCvX5WR21vRQtA9Fy9GVcGDw 599 5 20,302,184 260,497 1.3%
UCG65Bspo5wXMoOARHlFjKNg 37 37 244,989 244,989 100.0%
UC48wDIKM2u9_KkNUcar4MTw 514 10 6,831,751 235,572 3.4%
UCGWNMa7DzNOgZYXxc4KQojg 84 15 1,101,969 235,158 21.3%
UCz7apX1IlKRY83eMsYZ4rXg 315 2 24,781,860 213,832 0.9%
UCqogaw5RsZg36oWNOQvo8Ew 142 14 2,942,082 203,530 6.9%
UC7Z5V8tC3Awv6UCgC9fnI_g 676 9 7,651,095 202,328 2.6%
UC0pzFKYTTsAsWOhgEsHghkA 720 4 5,102,889 158,742 3.1%
UChL4PpkHZf--eaXk582o_ww 402 2 41,036,797 149,659 0.4%
UCJBzoYg5pMColM0GP6AWpaQ 75 2 1,822,784 142,997 7.8%
There are some things you can read from this, though drawing conclusions is dubious. For one, you can have a look at the catalog of each channel to have a better look, as these numbers don't have enough context around them.
For example, There are several channels (17 out of the 194 in this sample) that mention Salome in every video they posted. The top one however, is an interesting case. The spread of views amongst their clips is very large (jumps from 5k to 500k), as most of their viewers are (presumably) through recommendations. Their subscribers at almost 7k support this. Their viral clips are spread out, resembling something of a rollercoaster. Is this botting? Probably not, and is likely just an artifact of the recommendation system.
Otherwise, there's a mix of established clippers and bandwagoners. Looking at the percentage, there are a few that have eclipsed their previous catalog with at a fraction of the clip count. This does infer an expression of interest, but doesn't exclude a botting operation either.
tl;dr - No conclusions but interesting to look at nonetheless. I'll keep fiddling with the numbers in the meantime (probably with other vtubers), and maybe you should too.