Canada is a deracinated post-national economic zone devoid of homegrown culture in any way. Canada the country died in the 60s and then Quebec later in the 70s with the quiet revolution. It is reduced into a post-national propositional state for the neoliberal elite to concoct and test their policies which then they impose to America and then to the world. One of the schemes they heavily promote is pretty much the open-doors policy that was put in place in the economic zone during the height of the Civil rights movement in America. The consequences of this however is having a large non-settler populace that doesn't have any connections to the place they currently reside. They don't even share the culture of the original European settlers, which then makes the population grow distant and separated with each other. These migrant populations will create their own ghettos and only interact with the ethnicity circles they belong. The Canadian education system in turn forces their children to interact with each other in an attempt in homogenizing the population but this won't work if the system itself vilifies both the French and English settler cultures. Since the current elite in Canada hates this founding culture that existed in Canada in favor of deconstructing the idea identity itself, you have these 2nd generation migrant children detatched to the land they currently call home. They see Canada as a mere economic space with no values other than "live and let live", which in itself a completely nihilistic outlook that helps nobody even the individual himself. It is not a good foundational value for community-building. Consequently, you also have a native youth population deracinated from their roots because acknowledging them is evil in the eyes of the current Canadian elite. Just think about it, where would those people robbed from their identity fall back to?
Vtubing is the perfect supplement for this problem in a lot of ways. You have this post-national youth brought up by nihilism, consumerism, and irreligiousness. They can finally form the identity they were always longing for. The Vtuber persona is perfect since it is a moldable identity free from preconcieved notions history or cultural affectations. It is the realization of cyberpunk idealism of bygone 20th century thinkers. It is the digital identity that gives the average post-national, post-human creature, the man without a chest, a purpose in life. She can finally realize her favourite character she always wanted to emulate in the consumer products she obsessively adores. She can finally transfer her pixelized self onto the digital space and transcend from the humanity she thinks is pulling her back from achieving her individual identity. It is pure escapism like isekai anime or mmorpgs. Vtubing is the ultimate form of individualism and whether or not it's a good thing it's up to you to decide