That bucket Kiara is holding her hands has been rubbing against Kiara longer than any of you Day 1 KFP members, how does that make you feel? It should make you happy of course because Kiara's having such an amazing time obtaining endings and bantering with the narrator while learning about the real secrets of the Stanley Parable. And I do mean the real secrets, not the real fake secrets which there is a lot of in this game. Bossu is still stuck on trying to solo Malzeno with his Gunlance as the vampire dragon just won't stop teleporting behind him and stabbing him in the back like some kind of perverted monster. But Bossu is too cool to let such a thing prevent him from completing his goal, so make sure to visit him and cheer him on this adventure so he can finally go to sleep.>Songs released todayNew Polka cover song /hlgg/, surely you've seen it right? She even used her super deep voice for this Empress cover, making it extra spicy and outstanding. Her range is absolutely outstanding and missing out on streaming this song will be a huge regret in your already waning ojisan life.'s first ever original song! Named WAO!! it's just really amazing how perfect of a song this was for someone as happy and genki as Koyori. You should go watch her 3D debut too while you're at it, as the energy levels is through the roofs. Now go give both of those videos a stream and become happy for once in your life.