just imagining it from her pov is what makes me give her some sympathy
>apply to talent agency, never imagine youd actually get in
>never been your scene, not sure what to do
>decide to take it in stride, play into your lore
>your coworker does the same, you imagine for the same reasons
>suddenly she starts hyping up the yuri
>okay i guess, otaku like that
>your whole dynamic ends up being the ship
>never been in this type of industry, not sure how to handle it
>you are painfully, painfully straight
>your bi coworker who is very into idol culture and knows how to bend it to her will is constantly flirting with you in front of tens of thousands of people
>the intensity of idol culture and constant purity tests vs your previous scene hits you like a train wreck
>you start floundering
you dont have to agree with me, but if anything im shocked she didn't break her contract and bail, any reasonable person would. i say this as a unityfag too