The ranking is:
big dogs > cats > little dogs
Big dogs are the best there is. They are also usually the most chill and well-trained, because their size makes it kinda a necessity for the owner to actually train them because otherwise they can cause actual trouble.
Cats are ok. Just don't expect too much of them, but they are comparatively low-maintenance at least. If they want to cuddle you, that's fine, and if they want to stay out of your way, that's fine also.
Little dogs are the worst. Especially those inbred races where people deliberately bred congenital diseases into them because it "looks cute uwu" and what's left is just a wretched, slobbering, shivering mess of unworthy life that can't stop shitting and pissing itself constantly. Also too many owners of little dogs don't train them well, or even at all, because "haha why, my widdle baby is harmless and doesn't need it anyway!" so you end up with asocial unruly barkers that have no manners.