>>26760380You use derogatory terms like that and I can't even pretend that you're taking this seriously. You demean someone and then insist that poor, multimillion dollar company is being attacked by a viscous internet personality. The woman literally reaches out for a joint statement and the company refuses. There is your 'why'. Or rather 'why not?'
A line gets leaked on Rushias' stream revealing that she is in contact with someone outside of Hololive with whom she seems to be at least casually friendly. Rushia kills the stream immediately and is put on leave. The internet rumor mill explodes and oshifags go ape on their waifu merch. Rushia is fired for breech of contract. The nature of her breech is never publicly stated. She releases a statement that begs cover to show how any of her behavior was harassing or damaging to the company and even offers to compose a joint statement. Cover covers their ears.
I knew they had no leg to stand on then. I know they have no leg to stand on now.
They can prove me wrong.
They can tweet a name redacted screenshot if they want. She said this to this person, which was damaging in this way.
They haven't. I don't think they will. I don't think they can.
Idol culture poison for all to see and then choose to deny