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This funny rabbit makes me happy

No.26903452 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Hello /vt/

I was never into chuuba, but recently I started watching Pippa. "haha funny rabbit she's a schizo, the contrast makes it somewhat enjoyable even if I don't like the medium". She made a "So You Want to do Better in Life" stream a while ago. It was funny and relaxing.
I started jacking off halfway through. I like listening to stuff when jacking off. Pippa's voice was so nice and relaxing. She was funny. She was convincing. I pumped my shaft listening to her tell me how my life is going to be better. How I should stop worrying. How she was worrying and how she still is worrying, but how it's okay. It felt real guys. It felt like she and I are both in this. It felt motivating. I felt good about jacking off. I came the moment Pippa gently said "you can make any choice that you want to".

I love Pippa. I want her to praise me. I want her to caress my hair and tell me the feds may find us one day, but it's okay, because we are free from them for now. We are some of the very few based people on this planet, immune to glownigger propaganda.