A maiden childe and a wenche hatte puella, as it were clene and pure as be blake of be y3e, as seib Isidre. For among aide at is iloued in a wenche chastite and clennes is iloued most. Men schal take hede of wenches for bey bene hote and moist of complexioun; and tendre, smal, pliaunt, and faire of disposicioun of body; schamefast, fereful, and mury, touchinge be affeccioun; delicat in clothinge. For as Senec seib, semelich clobinge bysemeb hem wel at be chast wenchis [et cetera]. Puella is a name of age of soundenes wiboute wem, and also of honeste. So seib Isidre. For comounliche we vsen to clepe maydenes wenchis. And a maide hatte virgo and hab bat name of grene age, as virga, ‘a 3erde’ is iseide as it were viridis ‘grene’. Obir a maide hab bat name virgo of clennes and incorrupcioun as it were virago, for sche knowib not be verrey passion of wommen. So seib Isidre.