>>27219028>>27219028One prevailing theory is that Hell in 'Inferno' is layered based on the egregiousness of the sin in relation to God's greatest gift, wisdom. The Christian God gave mankind dominion over all other creatures of the Earth, and He did this by giving them knowledge/wisdom. Each circle of Hell is a perversion of God's gift. Lust is only the second circle because it's a sin of passion. Lust is capricious and not really dictated by 'wisdom' to commit, but rather man's innate desire to reproduce. Interestingly enough, this is where Dante would have landed in Hell if he were to go, so scholars also believe he was trying to go easy on himself by putting Lust as only the second circle.
From there you descend the circles of Hell, where each ring describes a sin that involves more perversion of God's gift, wisdom, to commit. Note how Anger is only in the 5th circle, as it's more of an atavistic sin, whereas Violence is the 7th circle, because it is a sin that requires contemplation and forethought. In the case of Violence, you are knowingly succumbing to Anger, but then using God's gift (wisdom) to commit unholy acts. God knows you know better, since He gave you wisdom, so he considers you using that wisdom to reject His teachings as blasphemous.
Treachery is the worst type of sin, because it is using wisdom for the express purpose of lying, the antithesis of God and Truth. Treachery against God -- the final circle -- is the absolute worst sin one can commit.