>>27257772According to the comments she posted on some of her videos apparently mikeneko didn't want clips, and seeing how often she privates videos my guess is soju is sticking to "no clipping" greatly.
All the other current mikeneko clippers are clearly money hungry e beggers judging from the drama bait shit they put out or even using paywalled content/twitcast streams
>>27256698Have to wait to see sadly, from some of what she said mike might treat vtubing more casually as she's trying to find another field of work iirc she wanted something to help train her to be more social seeing how being a streamer isn't the same as talking to actual people
>>27257832Might be for the best, the edits while they did make me laugh didn't really suit her, mum meanwhile they just make sense
Sadly both her and the other mum clipper seem to love using the same meme edits constantly