>>27263811People only watch music reviews if they want their own opinions validated or toget angry. I like X artist, and I know Faggot likes X too, so I'll watch his video to see if his view aligns with mine, which makes me based. Same for the opposite. I love Mori, but I know Nigger does clickbait drama reviews, so I'll watch his video knowing he'll call the flow dogshit, pause after every line going "UUUGHHH oh my GOD... Sorry, sorry, it's just so unbearable..." and repeat lines to himself and make fun of them for 4 hours to make money.
I appreciate the hustle, but if I wanna know if the new Kendric or Drake was any good, I'll ask my friends, not anyone who has a monetary stake in it. If I wanna know of any of Mori's new songs are good, I'll either listen myself or wait for the thread to vaguepost or just say "damn this is kinda middling" rather than watch some douche whine and cry about a 3 minute song and make fun of me and her for half an hour.