>>27349997It's not that it was a tough or risky choice - the Chinese took away their options to try to strike some kind of balance. At first, Cover did generally the max of what they normally would/could - suspend the talents, make Coco apologize (people seem to forget she did that immediately and it "wasn't good enough" for them), then wait out the spam for a bit to see if they lose interest. Nope. Nothing worked, Chinese antis are truly mental because they turned her into a symbol of themselves vs Japan/the West (because she's American). So the only remaining strategies were:
a.) blatantly fire Coco to appease them which would piss off not just the West as people were saying, but Japan itself, their primary audience
b.) pull out their team of barely-existent Chinese tubers from a market that was already sending them death threats and turned on its heels against Hololive
Only an idiot would have thrown away both of their existing proven audiences for the sake of a theoretical one that hadn't actually taken off and just gotten spoiled by a bunch of antis who just will never ever like Cover fundamentally, because it's Japanese and has Western talents in the ranks. You would have to dump all JPs/ENs to please the jingoist brainwashed crowd that are the ones who attacked Coco and still attack Holos to this day and that is obviously not gonna happen.