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girl fanbases

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Most of the time are harmless shitposters but they are like mosquitos - persistent and annoying in their persistence, even if anyone with more than a single digit IQ knows they're shitposting. Really love Pomu, perhaps more than any other fanbase loves their oshi.
"Chased" away from here, but they still hang around, they just don't bring much attention to themselves. Despite how few of them there are, unlike their dumb oshi they are smart enough to not respond to drama and shitposters. Surprisingly resilient and very dedicated. Respect them just for that.
They're really chill and unity-centered, although it honestly feels like they're off in their own world where Elira is the only one that matters and they acknowledge others existence only if Elira does so.
Everyone's favorite shitposters. All bark, no bite, although it's kinda cute how they want to seem like these big imposing bullies despite most of them being sensitive boys that cry to themselves everyday they didn't date the tomboy that reminds them of Selen/Selen herself. In that sense a lot like their oshi, they love to bant but can rarely take it as well as they dish it out.
The cuckbeats of NijiEN. Similar to Famelira in the sense they only care about their oshi, but their feels are an ocean wide and a puddle deep. Love to shit on others in an attempt to make their oshi look better, enjoy the fact holobros gravitate mainly toward their oshi. Not a single one of them can tell you why tehy like her beyond the fact that's cute sometimes.
Unironically the best fanbase of NijiEN. Really nice dudes that are total unitychads and rarely have anything bad to say about someone else's oshi/fanbase. Unforutantely they are also bullied like their oshi. Also, asking for it <3
More like, Aloucreeps am i right? They're weird people. Nice on the surface, but most of them are fucking weird. Most sub fanbase in NijiEN.
Unsure of how many there are since their oshi is basically a male accessory. I don't think their bad people so much as I think they have weird tastes.
Okay, I joked about others not really having a presence here, but I honestly don't think I've ever run into a Phantomo. I hope you're fine.
Mostly unity guys. I think they rival pomudachi in how much they love their oshi. Dunno if the guy posting Nijisanji is x on the catalog is a Famillie, but most seem chill and too busy watching Millie stream her ass off to seem to want to bait the catalog.