[89 / 17 / 41]
>Pomudachi Most of the time are harmless shitposters but they are like mosquitos - persistent and annoying in their persistence, even if anyone with more than a single digit IQ knows they're shitposting. Really love Pomu, perhaps more than any other fanbase loves their oshi.>Ryuguards "Chased" away from here, but they still hang around, they just don't bring much attention to themselves. Despite how few of them there are, unlike their dumb oshi they are smart enough to not respond to drama and shitposters. Surprisingly resilient and very dedicated. Respect them just for that. >Famelira They're really chill and unity-centered, although it honestly feels like they're off in their own world where Elira is the only one that matters and they acknowledge others existence only if Elira does so. >Dragoons Everyone's favorite shitposters. All bark, no bite, although it's kinda cute how they want to seem like these big imposing bullies despite most of them being sensitive boys that cry to themselves everyday they didn't date the tomboy that reminds them of Selen/Selen herself. In that sense a lot like their oshi, they love to bant but can rarely take it as well as they dish it out. >Rosebuds The cuckbeats of NijiEN. Similar to Famelira in the sense they only care about their oshi, but their feels are an ocean wide and a puddle deep. Love to shit on others in an attempt to make their oshi look better, enjoy the fact holobros gravitate mainly toward their oshi. Not a single one of them can tell you why tehy like her beyond the fact that's cute sometimes. >Pentomos Unironically the best fanbase of NijiEN. Really nice dudes that are total unitychads and rarely have anything bad to say about someone else's oshi/fanbase. Unforutantely they are also bullied like their oshi. Also, asking for it <3 >Aloupeeps More like, Aloucreeps am i right? They're weird people. Nice on the surface, but most of them are fucking weird. Most sub fanbase in NijiEN.>Honeys Unsure of how many there are since their oshi is basically a male accessory. I don't think their bad people so much as I think they have weird tastes. >Phantomos Okay, I joked about others not really having a presence here, but I honestly don't think I've ever run into a Phantomo. I hope you're fine.>Famillie Mostly unity guys. I think they rival pomudachi in how much they love their oshi. Dunno if the guy posting Nijisanji is x on the catalog is a Famillie, but most seem chill and too busy watching Millie stream her ass off to seem to want to bait the catalog.
>>27409108 >Not a single one of them can tell you why they like her beyond the fact that's she's cute sometimes. Might explain why i tried to watch her but didn't feel really pulled towards her despite thinking she was cute.
It's like you ran out of motivation on writing ethyria fans. Rosebuds have eccentric avatarfags and generally love her inept daughter moe. Seems accurate otherwise
>>27413318 Honeys and Phantomos are either very few in numbers or not very vocal.
>>27409108 thats a lot of effort this time roseschizo
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>>27409108 I didn't read any of that shit but you get a (You) for effort.
>>27414316 And here we go. See what I mean? Rosemi isn't Jesus Christ. You're an anti blah blah blah
You guys really are more mentall ill than antis. Nothing better to do than search the catalog?
>>27414586 yeah now I know it's you
get fucked loser
>>27409108 No seriously what is Aloucreep.
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>>27414669 Sure. Watch out man, the rosechizo lives in your walls lol
>>27414736 The type of person that makes a twitter account with his oshi's fan name to look at Chinese feet pic.
>>27412037 Damn men are so shallow and have no standards, they'll like anything as long as it's cute and makes cute noises.
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Ficklebud complaining thread
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>>27415365 I know this is a shitpost, but literally every single girl has wasted money/got into something because they found it cute.
>>27409108 Have you tried not being a little bitch?
>>27409108 nah, bomukeks disappeared like thin air after the nipple reveal
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>>27415763 >eats his own shit Why are indochads like this?
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>>27415712 based camwhorebro
>>27415712 Follow your own advice. Imagine one dude's opinion exacting such an emotional response kek
>>27416198 Tall words for a little bitch of a dude.
>>27416474 >>27416616 Nah. Thans for bumpin
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>>27417008 You are welcome, bitch.
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>>27409108 Pretty accurate, really. Haven't seen a single cuckbud try to actually refute what you said either
>>27409108 >Famelira hands typed this post Anonymous
>>27409108 why the fuck you guys need to sexualize/cutify pentomos so much??
we're just a bunch of lolicon who like piano or music. Is that what you want to stick your dick in????
>all fanbases are mentioned >only rosefags get upset Hmmmmm
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>>27419831 truly a mystery isn't it?
all your posts sound the same and say the same thing
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>>27420686 kinda cute desu, hes becoming the niji version of the marineschizo
>>27420686 Watch rosecuck, everyone you talk to is the rosechizo. Every poster except you. Stay vigilant.
>as a unit Probably the best collection of fanbases. Their wave has a lot unity and so do the fans.>Obsydia Has the two worst fanbases along the singular best one. Kind of crazy. 0 unity, RIP Obsydia General>Ethyria Aloucreeps can be alright and Famillie are based. Like their oshis, Phantomos and Honeys seem to be MIA.
>>27422158 Phantomos are not fully MIA, they show up once in awhile, usually to defend their oshi in an aggressive manner
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>>27422158 Oh. First point was for Lazulight, ofc
>>27422245 Sounds like something their oshi would do
Honeys are easily the least schizo fanbase
>>27409108 Famelira here can confirm. I'm here to watch my oshi and other girls and their drama and associated shitposting do not exist. You guys should try it.
>>27423047 Honeys barely make a peep here. Unsurprising.
>>27424062 It's pretty much impossible to discuss Nina so I don't blame them
Rosemi fans are a bunch of faggots. Not even the good kind. Damage control discord trannies in their purest form.
>>27424062 >>27424571 As a honey, there's some discussion out there - but the shitposting makes it annoying, and to be honest I don't know how I'd post about Nina a lot anyway. No urge to hornypost or to gosling, and I'm not going to spam about missing mommy like Saplings do.
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>>27424948 Very respectable. No need to force a discussion when there isn't one. More people should do this.
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We don't shitpost, we funpost.
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>>27424062 Basically what
>>27424948 said. Nina is more like a funny wine aunt than anything which doesnt lead to a strong incentive to post here especially with how many people hate her. Theres some talk in /yeah/ as well as a small presence in /nijien/ and /hag/ but thats about it
No strong coomerbaiting in design or content, no GFE act and lots of male collabs, plus her mom shtick applies to her colleagues also - and when she does "mom experience" streams like the car ride karaoke its over the top and full of humour. Even the ASMR is all over the place thematically though its still decent at actually giving you ASMR. Her streams ARE fun but I dont see how you become obsessed with her over them easily or what youre meant to say about them /here/
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aren't pink haachama's fans just bootleg haatons?
>>27409108 >unlike their dumb oshi they are smart enough to not respond to drama and shitposters. I smell bullshit.
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>>27426979 Most of it is, for example Pomudachi vary wildly and can't really summarized other than they're the default standard NijiEN fanbase
Why are Enna fans so fucked up? Is it because they're Chinese? Stepping on animals? Feet obsession?
A lot of the girls have terrible fanbases in NijiEN unironically because they try to act like idols more than actual idols for some bizarre reason. In HoloEN you rarely see the girls talk about their supposed virginity or lack of dating experience, that is not a thing they feel the need to hammer on even if a few might have played that kayfabe a few times. In NijiEN the girls are often a weird mix of sjw politics and obsessed with purity. They must tell chat how they are perfect virgins who are too naïve to ever have touched a man as often as possible. Note, not all of them play this game but it is so commonplace that it really stands out.
>>27428043 >They must tell chat how they are perfect virgins You have never watched a single one of them
>>27428108 Millie, Enna, Elira and Finana (yes, even her) love this schtick in particular and you would know it if you watched them.
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>>27428204 I remember Finana in particular because of the "dyrbi" but when was Elira?
>>27428043 How are the NijiEN girls trying to "act like idols" when they collab with guys all the time and make dick jokes?
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>>27428540 you're in a schizo thread stop using logic
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>>27428204 Enna has talked about having a bf in high school, and meeting guy friends irl. She does still like to call herself a forever alone virgin whenever possible in streams though I'll give you that.
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>>27428540 >How are the NijiEN girls trying to "act like idols" when they collab with guys all the time and make dick jokes? Have you seen the dirty humor used by virtual idols anon? Have you ever seen them collab with men before?
Even hardcore gachikois will most likely forgive male collabs if it is framed in as innocent a light as possible.
>>27421112 That ape is convinced that Rosemi did nothing wrong and it's just one guy antiing her for no reason.
>>27430354 Schizo or no, Rosebuds don't help themselves with such actions. They don't shitpost like Dragoons, but are so tribalist and so ready to be offended at even the most innocent of statements that don't depict Rosemi nicely, any damage a singld or coterie of schizos could do they made far worse for themselves.
>>27409108 I remember some several threads ago a pentomo was sharing his knowledge on how to get the best anal stimulation
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>>27431366 Not surprised kek
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Millie is cute
>>27409108 >Most of the time are harmless shitposters but they are like mosquitos >Really love Pomu, perhaps more than any other fanbase loves their oshi. Pomunigger hands wrote this shit
>>27409108 >Rosebuds >The cuckbeats of NijiEN. Please don't tell me we know who she's dating ... my heart won't be able to take it.
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>>27409108 >Phantomos You have to do a ritual to summon a phantomo in /nijiEN/
Shit talk Reimu long enough and you just might get a phantomo to appear and spam gore.
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>>27434271 Ah, I didn't mean it like that. I don't know or care if she's dating, but maybe Rosebuds know? She strikes me as the type that would turn down everyone that hit on her and only go out with someone she finds attractive.
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>>27434271 it's me, sorry you have to find out this way
>>27434988 Dragoon, actually
>>27409108 >Aloucreeps >Nice on the surface One of them posted either creepshots of his mother or creepshots of someone else's mother he edited to look like his own. Another one linked crush porn in thread. They're flagrant weirdoes
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>>27435174 Geez, least they aint rude
>>27413318 >>27414316 >>27415072 >>27416616 >>27418258 >"R-r-roseschizo, I know this is you!!!" whenever somebody DARE say something not positive about their oshi or fanbase Do rosecucks REALLY?
>>27417948 Based
>>27423890 Why are fageliras like this?
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>>27413889 There is that one Honey ritualposter, and at least one person who either rabidly defends her or uses her to shitpost
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>>27436982 Yeah, buds been seething at this thread for a while
>>27428204 My Enna Alouette has talked about being cucked and cheated on thank you very much.
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>>27439409 Like as something that happened or in a sexual capacity?
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>>27427886 >Stepping on animals? WTF? That does sound like chink kinks.
>>27427886 >Stepping on animals? the videos where asian girls step on insects for some reason?
>>27443234 >insects >he doesnt know try puppies and little cats... sometimes rabbits
>>27443295 >try puppies and little cats... sometimes rabbits the fuck, i didn't know about those
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>>27443381 Fucked up fetish called "crushing." Safe to save its a gateway into illegal pornography.