ILoveAme. But recently, iv been falling in love with Fauna. She doesnt jerk her audience around with her poor work ethic and scheduling. Fauna is always there, with a comfy and well planned stream. She has a quick wit, that meshes well with many of the other girls, and I really enjoy her stories, quips, and references. Her being a secret conniving bitch, gaslighting and abusing, both mentally and physically the other girls, makes me highly aroused, as I am very much like that myself.
Though with Faunas yabs, its impossible for me to buy into her membership, and give her my all. And on the occasion I get high, I really dont enjoy listening to her for some reason. Its boring, and I cant stand her cadence. Im hoping this isnt evidence of my use of Fauna, as a sort of port in the storm, when fed up with Ame. Though, Ame on the other hand, especially when im high, is like a siren calling me into oblivion, every word plucked deliberately, as a tenured farmer would pluck only the best fruit, from the luscious tree of her mind, and offer it up in the sweet song of her voice. Enticing Teamates into loving her unconditionally. Only to be dashed against the jagged rocks of her toxic relationship traits, when she member posts about the mellow drama of her life. Asking in the same tones of love, for you to pity her self inflicted scuffs and scrapes. Reminding you that Eden is around the corner, if only you just trust (suffer) the plan (her flippant nature).