>>27759701I'm sure she doesn't actually "hate" Kiara (as in, seriously holds a schizo grudge like her actual antis do), most likely it's more just a byproduct of her general nature as a /here/panderer. Kiara was the designated punching bag of the board back before most anons wisened up (or simply got bored), so shitting on her was an easy way to farm approval and signal to her channer audience that "wow look at me, I'm hip to all your ebin memes and totally hate the same people you hate, aren't I so based and redpilled, fellow anons?!". She probably doesn't even believe half the shit actually seriously, but that just makes her an opportunistic bandwagon grifter trying to be edgy for a cheap little inside joke cheap shot at best instead of a straight up actual hater.
The most funny thing about the whole episode was actually the fallout - she did her little wink wink wrestling doxxwhistling tweet about Kiara, thinking it'd just be another quick cheap giggle she'd have within her few followers and nothing more, until her own management actually came down, took away her maro privileges, and she had to tuck tail and sulk. And Pipniggers on this board cried like little bitches about about imaginary big bad KFP bogeyman reporting her, kek, as if anyone even cared about who this insignificant anklebiter even is (Kiara was sleeping through this whole episode anyway, and it was over the next day and is so far below her radar that she will never know who Pippa even is). You don't get to be all "haha bbbased yabbit, look at this funni doxx reference about a bad thing that happened to a person I hate, Chickenwhore totally btfo!!" when dishing out, only to shrivel into a snivelling "i-it was all just a j-joke bro, why is KFP so m-mean, plz no bulli..." mess at the slightest pushback and consequences for your own retardation.
Not that it matters much anyway, as Pipp has never really mentioned Kiara ever again after that (showing either there was probably never any actual "hate" and she was just a trendfollowing drone that has moved on to "hating" other things to fit in and appeal to whatever she thinks will get her the approval of the terminally-online channer/kf crowd, or that she still "hates" her but has at least learned to shut her mouth and not try to bite into beehives she can't swallow).
Shame because I actually like some of Phase's other talents, like Uruka and Tenma.