>>27800758>>le reddit Am I right!?>I'm /here/ guys! I post on 4chan!>G-guys! 4chan! I post on 4chan! I'm not scared of mean words and stuff guys!>*literally just talks about the most recent rrat, even the shit ones*>*shit talks other chuubas from what she's heard /here/*All that's bad. If you make it your entire personality, or grating at all, you're shit.
Every site has *THAT* type, for twitch it's twitch whores, for 4chan it's edgy channers who think the site makes them cool.
Honestly you can make it work good for you, but only if you avoid massively pandering to the chans or, better safe than sorry, even mentioning the site by name because if you do you'll tend to get those insufferable types in your chat anyway, so ideally it should be kept to a minimum and fairly lowkey. Make edited YouTube videos of reading good threads with funny voices, go here to get feedback (because youtube comments, reddit and twitter are all shit for that) and talk about it with your chat on stream, just generally don't make direct mention to 4chan at all unless it somehow improves your content or IT IS the content (thread reading idea from earlier). Also, avoid all the negativity from this place or you're just going to become some weird breed of Vtweeter that picks fights with everyone but with 4chan somehow, you'll just look like a cunt. In general just be careful of what types your attracting and understand that if it doesn't add anything to your stream it's probably subtracting. The absolute best person for this is an actually well adjusted non-impulsive channer who comes here for the occasional constructive conversation that happens once in a blue moon, but that's about as rare a person as you'll get here. Pippa is a bit close to it but she sometimes let's it in her head a bit too much and makes jokes she probably shouldn't.
More than anything, if you do come from /here/, such as /asp/ or something, and people know, DO NOT forsake 4chan and pretend you've never even touched the place or even worse shit talk the site. That comes off as bitchy and lame and earns you loads of hate (Nyanners). Just move on gracefully, if you want to never bring up the site again and generally be free of any negative stigma most if not all anons won't really care (Gura), they seem to just hate it if you outright snub them like pink cat.