[324 / 62 / ?]

338KiB, 1437x2688, USER_SCOPED_TEMP_DATA_orca-image--1393412942.jpg
Quoted By: >>2809750 >>2810194 >>2810246 >>2810358 >>2810450 >>2810555 >>2810559 >>2810917 >>2817375 >>2820909 >>2831297 >>2839006 >>2841325 >>2841474 >>2843339 >>2844232 >>2844464 >>2844796 >>2845283 >>2847639 >>2853425 >>2856874
The cat is sleeping, let the rrat's out
Ollie rrat
Ollie's contract isn't going to be renewed, Cover can't remove her right now because the fans will start asking questions. It's the same with her video where she gets anally blasted live on stream; they won't remove as to not aroused suspicion (too late it was already arousing to begin with). I've gathered 50 random collab videos from ID and EN , they averagely get new comments every 6 days, this one barely gets any; it's because Cover keeps deleting the comments pointing out that her decaying pussy is getting plowed live, and they can't remove it because it would be admitting it happened. Newest comments are months ago.
Cover will not renew Ollie's contract or is making decisive actions right now because of what she did. Zomcucks the copium are on Isle 4 please don't bother the anons
Ollie rrat
Ollie's contract isn't going to be renewed, Cover can't remove her right now because the fans will start asking questions. It's the same with her video where she gets anally blasted live on stream; they won't remove as to not aroused suspicion (too late it was already arousing to begin with). I've gathered 50 random collab videos from ID and EN , they averagely get new comments every 6 days, this one barely gets any; it's because Cover keeps deleting the comments pointing out that her decaying pussy is getting plowed live, and they can't remove it because it would be admitting it happened. Newest comments are months ago.
Cover will not renew Ollie's contract or is making decisive actions right now because of what she did. Zomcucks the copium are on Isle 4 please don't bother the anons