>>28147772I don't think people actually understand how connected /vt/, Twitter and reddit are.
You fags keep saying "go back" when literally 99% of the people who at least frequent reddit come here more, and by extension post on Twitter.
There's a big jp translator who translates jp tweets called unstoppable Phoenix or some shit like that and he posted about Sanas' graduation on reddit and there you can literally find the same shit people post here, hell there's a reddit post that's an actual screenshot of a vt thread.
The giu in the tweet is here, everyone who is in any way very deep into vtubers is also here, you're not gate keeping shit, your little secret club that you're proud of is just as big of a newfag central as reddit
I have no idea how that happened but seems like haachama now knows that her nickname is chammers, yeah might as well invite her here and review some of your faggots' shitty posts and thread