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The Ina insult incident

No.28157262 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Let's settle this once and for all. Ina insulted her fans, making fun of them for "spending a weekend watching an anime girl play a video game" and implying they hate their life. Is there really a defense for this kind of behavior?

>It was just a joke! Don't take it seriously.
The idea that just because something was intended to be humorous, it automatically means a negative reaction is unreasonable, is flawed logic. It's no different from going "it was just a prank bro" when someone wants to beat your face in for genuinely harassing them. Furthermore, why joke about that? She could roast them for any other reason but she specifically chose the idea that they are miserable losers who cope with their lives via vtuber escapism. And it's true for a large portion of the fanbase... which is exactly why she said it.

Finally, if even someone as socially autistic as Mori IMMEDIATELY notices how insulting it was and tries to damage control for you and thank chat for watching, maybe what you said was actually bad. In reality, this is simply how Ina sees her fans and in this moment she let it out.

>She apologized because people threw a drama shitfit and admitted she's the same as them so she was really roasting herself.
Actually, there was no major drama, just a few people commenting that it stings because it's true. The "worst" thing that happened was clippers giving the event an appropriate title, which of course made Ina look bad. Management most likely bonked her and told her to apologize. Also, DYRB she is "the same as them"? She might LARP as a hikki but she's rich, with a stable art job and apparently is quite busy with work. She's not even remotely in the same tier as a loser who watches vtubers for escapism, which is why she only watched it casually and never gained an oshi.