>>28344994>>28345092I can sort of get it, but I would only apply it to stories I'm already familiar with. I'd only for example participate in a watchalong for a movie I've already seen. Don't want my first experience with a story I give a shit about to be with someone else talking over it, chat spamming retarded crap, and extra stuff on screen, like the overlays and vtuber models. In a watchalong's case, it's not overlayed, but you're dividing your attention between two screens. This sounds horrible to me.
Assuming I'm not some rare dinosaur and more people feel similarly, this seems like a niche title, and the amount of people who already completed it and watch Reine is probably not all that big. If she's getting these numbers at all, it's 90% people who most certainly don't think like I do and don't give a fuck at all.