>>28373047Kids in school don't have money and people hardly think about who's poor or rich, and if they do, what they're actually thinking about is whose PARENTS are poor or rich. Is sex equally distributed in high school? No it isn't. In high school, boys with an IQ between 70 and 85 have the most sex, and they have it with average IQ women, not fellow borderline retarded women. If you equalize wealth in adults, you're not going to equalize sex, you're actually going to make things worse because at least now money forces women to ever-so-slightly select for intelligence by proxy.
>keeping in mind that the whole point of sex is that it is mutually enjoyable for both partiesMen will fuck anything and women are happy if they have a baby. Sex is fun, but what's actually important is reproduction. We spend so much time and money trying to keep people alive. Cops and fire fighters will put their lives on the line to save you, doctors and scientists will crack their heads open trying to cure you, engineers and entrepreneurs are always looking for a way to help you get on with life - why don't any of them care about preserving your genotype? They care a lot about preserving YOU. But just this you. This one lifespan. Once you die, that's it, they don't want you anymore.
How is that "communal?" A "communal" person should want to preserve the genes of all their kin. They shouldn't want anyone to be left out of the gene pool. If they die without children, then what was the point of keeping them alive in the first place? Just fast forward a generation and they're fucking gone for good.
A free market for sex is support for eugenics. You let women give their reproductive abilities to a small class of men while every other man suffers. Money is a meme. What matters is genes and you're letting them be taken by the 1%.