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Gwasses awe weawwy x3 vewsatiwe. Fiwst, you c-can have gwasses-weawing *screams* giwws take them off and s-s-suddenwy become ÚwÚ beautifuw, ow (・`ω´・) have giwws weawing gwasses f-fwashing those c-cute gwins, ow (・`ω´・) have giwws steawing ^-^ the x3 pwotagonyist's gwasses and putting them on wike, "Haha, ;;w;; got youw gwasses!" That's just *whispers to self* w-way too *twerks* cute?!?! Awso, boys with gwasses?!?! I weawwy x3 wike *screams* when *notices buldge* theiw gwasses have that suspicious wooking gweam, and it's amazing how i-it c-can w-wook weawwy x3 coow ow (・`ω´・) just *whispers to self* be a joke. I weawwy x3 wike *screams* how i-it c-can fuwfiww *walks away* aww those a-a-abstwact nyeeds. being *sweats* abwe t-to switch up the x3 stywes *huggles tightly* and cowows of gwasses based on youw mood >w< is a wot of f-fun too?!?1 :3 It's actuawwy *screams* so much fun?!?! ^w^ You have those hawf wim *blushes* gwasses, ow (・`ω´・) the x3 thick fwame ;;w;; gwasses, evewything!? It's wike *screams* you'we enjoying >w< aww these kinds of gwasses at a buffet. I weawwy x3 w-want Wunya t-to twy some on ow (・`ω´・) Mawinye t-to twy some on t-to w-wepwace hew eyepatch. We weawwy x3 nyeed gwasses t-to become ÚwÚ a thing in howowive and stawt sewwing them fow HowoComi. Don't. you. *whispers to self* Think. We. Weawwy. Nyeed. To. Officiawwy. give. *walks away* Evewyonye. Gwasses?.