>>28414561>In a few months if you have a problem with the homos hitting on any of the girls you're going to get swarmed by a mob of fujoshits telling you to touch grass incelto be fair, and I know the word has lost all meaning and no one cares for nuance here, it's not "actual fujos" who are the most vocal about wanting male-female interactions.
Actual fujos just want to see the boys being cute/sexy with EACH OTHER, not with girls (i.e. think the female equivalent of yurifags), and at best they just tolerate female interaction if it doesn't get in the way of that, at worst they are actively hostile to female interaction because (again, just like male yurifags) having the boys flirt with the girls destroys their fantasy that they're actually all just gay for each other.
There's also another type of female fan, "yumejoshi", literally "dream girl", because they dream of being together with their man (again, think like the female equivalent of a parasocial gachikoi or unicorns etc.). They want their personal BFE, those are the people for whom all the spicy roleplay ASMR is for, etc. Again, you can imagine that they also don't care for female talent interacting with the boys, because it goes against their fantasy that the streamer is their personal boyfriend when they would see him actually "flirting" (i.e. interacting) with another girl on stream that is not them.
The people who are actually doing the "woooo yaas kween, we love male-female interactions and want more of it, touch grass incel chud!!" are not really "fujos" or anything in the classical definition (actual fujos are actually even more your "allies" in this fight, because they also respect the separation of genders and understand idol culture, etc.). If you bare to stomach looking at the twitter profiles of a few of those people who are the most vocal, you find that most of them actually have very little or just a superficial involvement with vtubers, are mostly just in it because it is the latest popular trend, and don't understand anything about the culture surrounding it (or what little they understand gets miscronstrued as "muh toxic idol culture) and mostly just posture to virtue-signal because they think this is another social justice battlefield where they can score some easy goodboi points. Some of them are dangerhair females, but I found that most of them are actually men. A special type of cucked male who thinks he's even doing the talents "a favor" (again, goodboi points) by "fighting for her freedom" or sumshit like that