>>28467079>Will she seriously avoid any and all interactions with malesShe handled it pretty professional so far. Just retweeted the corporate announcement with not much fanfare, and when some greyniggers in chat tried to get her to talk about the new HomoENs, she just gave a cordial "oh yeah, so that's a thing that exists..." non-answer and mostly just used it as another opportunity to dunk on Omegatrannys chuuni lore shit. And most importantly, didn't try to antagonize any existing gachi fans.
If her treatment of StarsJP is any indication, they're gonna be pretty much a nonfactor for her. She doesn't bring them up on her own, but when retards in chat do (it's always someone else that mentions them first), she also doesn't completely pretend they don't exist, just says "uh huh, anyway..." and that they just aren't a high priority that really interests her. So it's not really about "avoiding" and rather "not actively seeking them out either". If you want to look what actual thirsty dickriding and someone who can't wait to get much more involved with them looks like, look no further than Mori's tweeting spree.
>until her genmates pressure her into it?She hasn't really been "pressured by her genmates" so far into doing anything she was really against, and I don't see how that would change. First of all, I don't see any of her genmates even caring to "pressure" her into a male collab either... who would that be and why would they even do that? If you want to say for example "Mori" and "because she wants to take others down with her / spread the blame" or anything to that nature, I don't see it happening. Mori is already on the boys' dicks, all on her own, she doesn't need a "wingwoman" or "deflection shield" for that, so if she wants to collab with them (and she will) she will do it on her own and wouldn't need to rope in Kiara first to bring her along.
And there's very little she could do to "pressure" Kiara into it, if she doesn't want to. Kiara is more independant and less in need of Mori's approval now than she has ever been, now that she has more other better friends to rather hang out with instead. So if Mori were to try to pull some slimy "can you plz do me a favor and collab with the boys, because uuuh reasons?" bullshit (again, not even seeing why she would need to in the first place, see above, as Mori doesn't seem to have any reluctance to get on the boys' dicks all on her own), Kiara would just tell her to fuck off or pretend she's already busy etc (wouldn't even be a lie, with how busy everyone has been lately).
And what other mates would even try to "pressure" anyone into collabing with the boys? The only other obvious cockchasers are Ollie and Bae, and they have even less influence and power to "pressure" anyone than Mori does.