>SoulMyth > Council > Niji
>SexyNijj > Council > Myth
>StruggleMyth >= Niji > Council
"Soul" here is the contextual significance of these chibis their sponteneous emergence. Myth's 3D was an evolution of the viral fanart by Walfas and no one intended it to be their 3Ds. Council's 3D is tied to Sana's departure and leaving a legacy to HoloEN. Niji's 3D on the other hand were born with willful intent and it wasn't tied to any catalystic event.
"Sexy" is self-explainatory. The Niji ones are very well made and very cute. It wins out over Council's also well made chibis because whole they're also cute, you have to really try to find them sexy as-itself (it's sexiness is from Council's actions and their implications, not the models themselves). I'd fuck the 3D Petra honestly.
"Struggle" both Myth and Niji 3Ds were born because their respective companies throw their EN branch to the wolves and the talents themselves have to do everything. These are both personal projects initiated by Ame and Selen and fuck HoloSanji. While Council has their own struggle, they have a support structure handmedown from Myth, so all they do is build up what Ame has done.
I like all three and they all have their own charms. HoloID has their upcoming one too but so far it's just Reine. She levied the artstyle from some artist that frequently draws ID, but it's more memey than anything.