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No.28790568 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>Sana won't watch her debut, have a 1 year celebration stream and be part of the Council's 1st anniversary stream.
>Will never finish Celeste's DLC on stream.
>Won't be around for the next Pokémon game.
>Won't be part of the next off-collab streams with Council.
>Will never show up in a Smol CouncilRyS live again and be able to interact with her room.
>Won't have her 3D debut in HoloFes.
>Won't be part of the next Halloween and Christmas VR streams.
>Won't show up in call-ins again.
>The Sanalites won't have the 1 year member badge.
>Probably won't have the chance to interact with her next kouhais.
>We'll only hear from her from other holomembers and even then they probably won't say much about her and probably won't even mention her name.
>We'll never see her or be able to interact with her again unless she does streams on her roomate's channel, which is unlikely.