>>29381151"I can't believe gura woke up, and quietly panicked trying to clean the bed she wet without waking Ame.
Then Kiara woke up to Amelia angry about what happened and Gura defeateldy resigned about it, so she took charge of the situation and pretended to comfort Gura while really taking away her adult privelages little by little.
Getting her out of her wet clothes; Insisting on helping Gura shower, and dressing her; Buying her diapers for the next night; changing her into them right away; checking her every half hour just to be sure; only allowing her to sit on the floor, or on someone elses lap; lying about her diaper being wet; when she asks to see the diaper herself after they change her, teasing her that she wants to play with used diapers; and finally sleeping alone that night because the new crib is only big enough for 1 person."