>>29566384re: legality, in short, because VPNs are legal, and accessing the content is legal, there isn't a problem, besides the ping. For the full part:
I actually looked into the law, to see if using VPNs would be illegal. The law is G.R. 71/2019, available
https://jdih.kominfo.go.id/produk_hukum/view/id/695/t/peraturan+pemerintah+nomor+71+tahun+2019+tanggal+10+oktober+2019 (in Indo, I'm TL'ing it to English now). It isn't illegal to use VPNs in ID as a general matter, so the only question is whether it's illegal to access Steam/Apex/etc. The main enforceable section is "Pasal 6--Bagian Kedua, Pendaftaran Sistem Elektronik", which says:--"(1) Setiap Penyelenggara Sistem Elektronik sebagaimana dimaksud dalam Pasal 2 ayat (2) wajib melakukan pendaftaran." This, English'd, says:--"Every electronic service provider (PSE) mentioned in section 2(2) must register." Thus, any unregistered PSE (such as Steam) gets banned by Kominfo, the censorship agency. However, that's only a restriction on Steam's and others' HOSTING of the unregistered content, and not with any end-user chuuba's accessing of that content through e.g. VPNs. So they should be able to use VPNs to play Apex, without any legal problem. Now, I haven't read the entire law (it's 90 pages), but I think that sec. 6 is the major part, and it doesn't restrict end-users.