>STILL the leader of EN>STILL the most well-loved EN>STILL the heart and SOVL of EN>STILL the queen of /vt/Reminder that Ame:
>the first 6DOF 3D Home setup in Hololive, the other girls that use a 3D home model like Roboco and Miko are limited to 3DOF and the Hololive app.>now all girls in Myth have access to motion capture before their official 3D debut, and when they finally get their official model they won't need to fly to Japan everytime to use it>fun event streams on relevant holidays and other one offs>great karaoke streams, always introducing new things so they don't feel samey (karaoke with 2 3D models running at the same time this week)>the casual outfit reveal that was an massive success with how she executed it>trendsetting props for a crazy amount of vtubers>1-year anniversary, directing, organizing and paying out of her own pocket for the whole thing. The whole map was designed by her with detailed instructions given to ther mapper. This collab now has the most views out of every collab in HoloEN, even including Gura's.>Halloween project, she designed the models for council which became extremely popular, Kronii's and Bae's in particular. Also designed the maps.>orgnizer of christmas megacollab with all of EN>created HoloEN VR studio for 3D activities while they don't have official 3D, used so far by all of her genmates for their individual projects>first holo with full motion capture at home, recently bought a suit for 3D activities>finished the most games in HoloEN by far, queen of variety streams in EN>was praised by the CEO of the company multiple timeshttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1jP_aN8L6b4Proof that Ame is a literal genius:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vzkZa2Az7usProof /vt/ loves Ame more than anyone else:
Try harder next time, chumbud.