>>30050366Of all the times you choose to decide to judge our fanbase, you pick the time when our OP was getting stolen with THAT fucking picture?
What do you want us to do? Stop the flame stirring falseflaggers. I fucking wish I could
I'm fucking sorry I couldn't control the bullshit at a time when this board was covered to the fucking brim with pictures of my oshi fucking some twink, I really fucking am, but we could only do so much, this is still 4chan
I appreciate the elfriend that comes by everybso often and explains flares supposed 'coldness' in our threads nowadays. He NEVER gets shouted down, because he's always posted in times with relatively little shitposter tourists
What the fuck did you think we could do anon? We had to bail into a fucking Poal, twice, just to not be called a cuck every minute. I'm genuinely sorry but I can promise you that of the people that were actual, confirmed fandead, not a single fucking one ever said a bad word about her. I even fucking dropped my own dignity and joined her god damn fucking Discord just to make sure in part that I could not let that kind of sentiment start up in her fanbase. What the fuck more do you want from us? We did our best, anon