Okay, Nostradamus here, predicting what they're going to do to the video:
> They're gonna have Kanauru remove the bottle of ethanol from Mumei's hands during the rocket launch scene
Literally, I think that's it. That's probably the only thing.
The vast majority of events depicted in the video are either too ancient for anyone to care, or funny hololive in-jokes. The three that *might* have courted controversy are the references to the Hindenberg, Titanic, and the Challenger, and of the three, the Challenger is the only one recent enough to upset people.
More importantly, the reason the Challenger blew up is because of failed O-rings. Ethanol is known to dry out (and possibly damage in high enough concentrations) rubber devices, hence why its use in motor fuel is highly regulated.
So Mumei holding the bottle of Ethanol in that scene makes it look like she directly caused the Challenger accident. Which.... yeah, that might upset a few people.
I wouldn't be surprised if they also modify the scene where she's giving Baelz fleas to spread around the plague, but I'd put odds of that under 50%, since the black plague was hundreds of years ago. Only reason I think they might is that they want to remove the implications that Mumei is "causing" these events, as opposed to passively observing them.