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Quoted By: >>30251120 >>30251288 >>30251589 >>30252510 >>30252838 >>30253437 >>30253982 >>30254129 >>30254372 >>30254539 >>30254721 >>30256386 >>30256433 >>30256462
Hello guys, today I decided to share my experience from some months ago with the hololive fandom through different Discord servers. I must warn that this could be a bit long and it's my first time posting here, so I hope everything goes fine.
I started watching clips at the end of 2020 because a certain youtuber I follow was part of the whole Vtuber craze back then, never expected to be interested until I ran into Korone by accident and that subsequently dragged me further down the rabbit hole. After a while on last year I became a Nousagi and was quite happy with my new hobby, but I bet you can guess where this is leading to.
One unfortunate day I saw an add while searching stuff on YouTube, it was about a hololive themed Discord server and since Covaids fucked pretty much any chance to go out I decided to bite and see if Discord wasn't other Twatter and hoo boy! I never went there expecting much desu, the fact that you can't go anywhere without it being a swarm of leftoid faggots these days irks me a lot and I'm saying that as a latino dude. I just wanted to meet people that shared my tastes and instead got a near Twatter tour, even the nicer ones weren't that much into hololive, kinda ironic since I just watch clips myself.
My very first server trew me out for chatting about stuff the Jannies didn't like under the guise of "sexual harrasment" for sending a bot command to a bitchy lesbo that conteined a motherfucking anime kiss GIF, just like I thought it would go. The next was even worse since I actually worked on a project there, a hellhole known as Holonews, led by redditors no less.
Most of that group are nothing but posers that joined to gain clout and offer a half-assed weekly resume to more posers on Twatter, can you seriously say that you're a fan if you don't have some minutes or less for a clip? Well, they did the exact same shit as the last server, another schizo with pronouns warned me over "sexism" for referencing the Jannies memes in a damn joke. I left for good feeling very disappointed. Even now it makes me sad to think that what could had been a cool way to have fun with others became bitterness again thanks to SJWs and while I had minority of buds on my side, the recent Orwellian TOS change made me quit once and for all.
Thank you for reading to this point, my purpose in doing this outside of ranting and venting (not like I had much freedom to say anything elsewhere) is to leave at least one record of my perspective during those days there and welp, I really hope to find better companions from this same fandom someday, fingers crossed.
I started watching clips at the end of 2020 because a certain youtuber I follow was part of the whole Vtuber craze back then, never expected to be interested until I ran into Korone by accident and that subsequently dragged me further down the rabbit hole. After a while on last year I became a Nousagi and was quite happy with my new hobby, but I bet you can guess where this is leading to.
One unfortunate day I saw an add while searching stuff on YouTube, it was about a hololive themed Discord server and since Covaids fucked pretty much any chance to go out I decided to bite and see if Discord wasn't other Twatter and hoo boy! I never went there expecting much desu, the fact that you can't go anywhere without it being a swarm of leftoid faggots these days irks me a lot and I'm saying that as a latino dude. I just wanted to meet people that shared my tastes and instead got a near Twatter tour, even the nicer ones weren't that much into hololive, kinda ironic since I just watch clips myself.
My very first server trew me out for chatting about stuff the Jannies didn't like under the guise of "sexual harrasment" for sending a bot command to a bitchy lesbo that conteined a motherfucking anime kiss GIF, just like I thought it would go. The next was even worse since I actually worked on a project there, a hellhole known as Holonews, led by redditors no less.
Most of that group are nothing but posers that joined to gain clout and offer a half-assed weekly resume to more posers on Twatter, can you seriously say that you're a fan if you don't have some minutes or less for a clip? Well, they did the exact same shit as the last server, another schizo with pronouns warned me over "sexism" for referencing the Jannies memes in a damn joke. I left for good feeling very disappointed. Even now it makes me sad to think that what could had been a cool way to have fun with others became bitterness again thanks to SJWs and while I had minority of buds on my side, the recent Orwellian TOS change made me quit once and for all.
Thank you for reading to this point, my purpose in doing this outside of ranting and venting (not like I had much freedom to say anything elsewhere) is to leave at least one record of my perspective during those days there and welp, I really hope to find better companions from this same fandom someday, fingers crossed.