>>30490727Thank you.
>Bush Babies is a name given to small nocturnal primates with big round eyes called Galagos that are native to southern Africa. Using its long tail and muscular legs, the Bush Baby has an astounding ability to leap as it can jump several feet in the air from a sitting position to snatch a flying insect.>The Bush Baby name may refer to the sounds this unique animal makes, its wide-eyed appearance, or perhaps both. If you’re intrigued by this little animal and want one as a pet, you should know that Bush Babies do not make good pets.>Despite their cuteness, Bush Babies are not easily tamed and they have unpleasant habits like crying out in the night. They are also territory markers that urinate on their hands to spread their scent around and that stuff stinks! And, Bush Babies have very sharp teeth and they’re not afraid to use them. If you get bitten by a Bush Baby, it will hurt and more than a little bit!Holy shit lmao. It's going to piss on its hands, rub them over the house, and then leap straight up into a ceiling fan and get obliterated.