There's some fuckery going on that I never got the answers to one involves a discussion between I and someone else, mostly in code, we speak about making art etc, mostly pointless, but evidence for me that someone is aware I'm /here/. this thread there's discussion of Yagoo assuring the community they are still searching for candidates for HoloStars, I make a point earlier in the thread that I had applied, deleted my vid, and in a show of fortitude I upload my application video and introduce myself at the start (catbox is still up! It's bad but it's evidence a**x exists) Someone confidently says "I'm in! and don't come back to this site once accepted" some weird ass thread I offer up my contact info, another person correctly guesses a**x, and after triple checking everything my ospec is safe! With the info provided you can't find me via google! Meaning someone /here/ was following my 2view shit. Limited number of options if you know the regulars thread popped up after I had a mental break down