I wrote this for the subaru/Kiara thread but it got deleted before I could post it.
Kiara is in the wrong here.
While it’s unfortunate that there are stalkers in the industry, that’s just an unfortunate truth of how entertainment (especially idol entertainment) is.
Kiara has been obsessed with the idol industry and trying to get into it for 15+ years or so now so you KNOW she is aware of all ugly aspects of the industry.
She is also very aware of how noticeable and well known she is in Japan. (Like that one incident where some random jap on the street told her to die). Also out of all the holos, I would say she is the most doxxable.
So does this mean she shouldn’t hang out with the other holos?? No, of course not. It just means she needs to apply some common sense and take precautions.
The worst thing she did here was pre announce the collab. This really fucked subaru over because doxxers know where Kiara lives, and what she looks like. Super easy to just follow the white girl who sticks out like a sore thumb. She also could have been more covert (i.e. wear covid mask or sunglssses, shit like that).