Watching Shion being adorable AND bratty as fuck today as she rides around on her rails with camera in hand snapping pictures at the roaming Pokemon wildly while yelling how fucking cute they are in Pokemon Snap.
While Flare is using all her strength to prevent herself from saying some very colorful language while she's sponsored to play this platformer called Wonder Boy.
While Korone's playing yet another story as she blazes through the Saga Frontier remaster with her superior dog intelligence and endurance, optimizing her training areas and skill usage.
While Reine is traveling and solving puzzles and cases in the 2D world of the 3D video game called AI and she's panicking because now her Peacock brain is being pushed to its limit.
While Matsuri is in soft and comfy mode as she's blessing everyone with a wonderfully chill Minecraft stream where she just connects with her fans.
While Okayu's finished with her grinding today and is now closing everyone off with a supachat reading.
While it's Saturday Supachat Fever with Watame as she finished singing and is now in the usual supachat session of the stream.
While Rushia's finished whispering sweet yandere words into our ears before cleaning them out and is now reading through all the supachats she's gotten.
While Astel and Miyabi's marriage has been waning for a bit so now they've decided to play throgh It Takes Two together to build it back up.
By the way did you know that Sora and AZKi teamed up together for a fantastic cover of Seesaw? It SorAZ first duet since AZKi's new model and just like always when it comes to these two singing they sound absolutely fantastic. If you haven't listened to it, or didn't know about it, do consider giving it a listen, it's truly breathtaking. friends, where we at?