[333 / 83 / ?]
A thread dedicated to discussing the eldritch invoker of inscrutable word play, Ninomae Ina'nis.
This thread is for discussing Ina'nis and her streams only. Meta discussion about her fan community can be had elsewhere. Go away.
Schedule: https://twitter.com/ninomaeinanis/status/1387694188104339458?s=20
Upcoming Stream: https://youtu.be/yGPKGeGlMIc
Last thread: >>3126636
This thread is for discussing Ina'nis and her streams only. Meta discussion about her fan community can be had elsewhere. Go away.
Schedule: https://twitter.com/ninomaeinanis/status/1387694188104339458?s=20
Upcoming Stream: https://youtu.be/yGPKGeGlMIc
Last thread: >>3126636