>>32005186Most actual brothels (actual sex) in Japan have a no gaijin policy not because they don't like foreigners, but because they operate via a loophole in Japan's prostitution bans.
Basically, if they offer some kind of service (like having the girl wash you) and then have you become "acquainted" with her via a conversation of a few minutes in length, technically if you two go up to a room after that it's technically not prostitution, since she's already done something for you that you paid for and from the perspective of the law she's getting intimate with you "for free".
The issue is that if you aren't a fluent Japanese speaker they can't prove that you are "acquainted" with the woman you're with, and that means that in theory they could get in trouble because they're no longer fully operating in the loophole.
If they're not offering actual sex there's a chance you could be allowed in, but since prostitution in Japan is always operating in a grey zone, they usually try to play it safe.