Personally, I don't care if males and females collab. If the talents want to, by all means, go ahead. If they don't, it's no problem. Forcing collabs or begging for them is a scummy thing to do though, especially if the talents don't want to do it. Both sides, homobeggars and unicorns don't seem to realize that if talents want to collab, they will, and if they don't, they won't. What bothers me though is that every time there's a male/female collab you get a shitstorm of people just arguing for and against it, and shitposters changing sides to add more fuel. I get both sides, beggars want to see two people who they think would work well together on stream, or they want to boost the numbers of one of the parties; and unicorns don't want to fell cucked or like a third wheel, it feels terrible.
Here's the thing though, beggars are in the wrong because rarely if ever has a talent rallied their fans to pester someone to collab unless they were already close, ie same gen for instance. Unicorns are also in the wrong sometimes, because not all of the girls are fostering that kind of fanbase (not on purpose at least) and yet there they are, trying to be controlling and feeling betrayed by someone who was never trying to appeal to them in the first place, and they're so far gone that they see friendly banter between coworkers as flirting and how they're totally gonna have discord sex. The only thing I agree with them on is that collabs naturally relegate the audience to being a third wheel, and even then, that's not exclusive to male/female collabs, ANY collab will do that by its very nature.