>"Alright! Now for our next act in the Hololive High School talent show, please give a warm welcome to... the sapling!"
>Sapling awkwardly runs on stage to weak applause.
"...I- I'm gonna sing a song... M-My mommy wrote it for me..."
>Audience begins to snicker.
>Karaoke music starts up, an off-key rendition of "Let Me Stay Here."
"...R- Rainbow in the SKYYY... a-aowie koto-roachie..."
"In the e-evergreen t-trees... yumet... eh..."
>Sapling begins to mumble the lyrics, shuffling back and forth in a weird dance.
>Audience starts to mutter to themselves.
"...It's just aaaaaa... FAIRYTALE! So it'll melt aWAY... like a lollypop... And so just... let... me..."
>"You suck! Get off the stage!"
"...s-stay... here..."
>"I think we'll pass! Get off the stage!"
>Audience starts laughing
"... uuu... m-mommy..."
>"Hey look! The lil' girl's crying!"
>"Well at least she's not singin', or else I'd be crying too!"
>Laughter grows louder.
"I... My mommy said that I'm-"
>Water bottle flies onto the stage, hitting the sapling square in the head.
>"Now THAT took talent!"
>Audience going wild.
>Sapling runs off stage.