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/girlsfc/ - Girls FC thread

No.32384758 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Eclipse edition

Welcome to /girlsfc/ (/gfc/? /gfcg/?). This thread is dedicated to Girls FC, a group of indie vtubers and friends!
Today the girls are doing a collab on Geega's stream:

>Who is in Girls FC?
A Lv.999 MidBoss always recruiting souls for her army, she's the social butterfly and de-facto leader of the group

>Nina Saotome
An isekai'd magical girl, known for her powerful voice and sisterly demeanor, she's a longtime favorite of this board

>Moriko Kyoho
The fruit bat living rent-free in (You)r basement, don't let her sharp tongue and edginess fool you, she's actually very cute!

A highly energetic and technologically impaired tomboy dragon

>Mint Castella
A 30-something dog and every architect's wet dream, she loves to bake cakes

>What does the FC in Girls FC mean?
Girls Football Club?
Girls Fisting Children?
Girls Four Chan?
The world will never know.

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