>>3253866[Enter Donte, Demon, and Wubeth. Wubeth resounds in the background throughout.]
Donte"Hark! Thou must be the final component of this bilious villainy!"
Demon"Who art thou?"
Donte"I doth be thy courtier, thou abhorrent container of refuse!"
Demon"Who in the name of the beast with two backs art thou? BLEAUGHAUGH"
Donte"Behold, thou hast missed the mark! And my Christian name art Donte."
Demon"DONTE? Bastard of Sparda and Eva the concubine?!? BLEAUGHAUGH"
Donte"Yea verily! But thou mayest address me by my title: Donte, slayer of demons! Doth it not smell as sweetly as a rose?"
Demon"Thou seekest to slay me? Thou canst slay me! For a thousand and two hundred years I have drawn breath!"
Donte"Humorous, seeing as thy countenance begets a creature of twelve thousand!"
Demon"Fornicate thou!"
Dante"Fornicate THOU!"
[Wubeth increases in volume]
[End Scene]