>>32580807I mean with screentime addiction like that you're never going to go anywhere in life. You obviously arent working or it'd be lower, you're not sleeping which is killing you and at a certain point cocaine is probably a healthier addiction.
You're writing right now which implies you at some point in your life wanted to be published, and here you are struggling with smut that you wouldn't even show to your mother. I'm not gonna drag on you for writing fan fiction about Chuubas, I'm writing 3 at the moment, but let's say you succeed.
Is it building good writing habits or feeding a (you) addiction youd have regardless of your writing? Is it informing your capacity as a writer, or is it preventing you from concentrating on the bigger project that will be in paperback someday in the genre fiction section of a barnes and noble for some guy to buy and never read because he cant put down his phone. Are you that guy? Do you even read anymore? You probably used to finish a book and take apart all its elements after digesting it and think "you know I could use these in this combination with this thing to make my own story" but now you just stay in a permanent state of distraction unable to hard shut off your phone and breathe. The other day I was thinking of a dystopian novel where the theme is a metaphor for the algorithmically isolation society is headed for as the technocrats in control of feeding digital consumerism walls off the aspect of discovery society (even virtual society) was made for. I think that's a pretty ok idea, you probably have pretty ok ideas too dont you think?
>>32581095Even this somewhat self aware rrat is kind of missing the point, the internet isnt something you have to escape from like a prison anymore than your body, your race, your class, your sex, your desires, it's something you have to consciously subdue and control so that it doesnt consume you. You're young from what you said an you probably feel old. You aren't. Even if you were 34 I wouldnt call you old, you would still have your whole life ahead of you at that point if you stayed fit and weren't headed for a stroke at 50.
I've never recommended meditation to a single person in my life, ever, its borderline selling a religion with the implications in it connected to eastern religions I dont buy a word of, but I would to you. Then I'd say hard shut off your phone, sleep, and dont turn on your phone until maybe, lunch. Face the quiet and dont let it hurt you anon. God bless, if I could beat screen addiction so can you.