>"things will go back to normal"
>things are the same as a month ago if not worse
I knew it. She hates her job, there's no other fucking logical explanation why she doesn't want to use members posts and twitter more often to communicate with her fans. She's officially a liar.
All the times she said she appreciated your support and she loves you? lies. She doesn't care about pedo weeb money, she never did and sure as fuck she doesn't love these pedo weebs who throw money at her. They are unworthy of her affection as the disgusting pedo weebs they are and she would never be your friend if she doesn't have to force herself for work.
It's all over, it really never started. The moment she got a little rich was the moment it all ended, she got enough friends already, she doesn't need garbage to drag her life down because her life is already complete without it, filthy pedo weebs are just stepping stones for her life goals and none of these filthy pedo weebs was ever meant to be part of her life. She would rather do 100 shill streams a month than 1 members streams, she only keep doing her monthly members stream because it says so in the membershrimp perks.
I don't care if she's working on le projects she cannot talk about, all the projects that were released and "she couldn't talk about" were nothing worth the radio silence, literally none of the projects were worth it, she could've spoiled everything about every single one of them and it would have made no fucking difference to anybody, they were all just convenient excuses to justify her absences. She only wants to work the bare minimum to make Cover happy and she doesn't care about anything related to this job anymore.
This is the attitude of people who count their working hours to the last second and doesn't want to work any unnecessary amount outside what she has to because she fucking hates every single thing about this job. She hates her retarded colleges, her managers, the artists who work with Cover, the organization of Cover itself and naturally she hates her fans who never shut the fuck up about how much they miss her because she doesn't want to be reminded that she's exploiting the unilateral affection of hundreds of thousands with a straight face, every single day.
Prove me fucking wrong, I dare you. There's better streamers out there buddies, you just have to open your eyes.
>inb4 retard teacuck cuckbeat seamonkey verbose schizo meds cripple nijicuck doxxfag anti larper falseflagger twittertranny homobeggar