>>3300788>>3300819Her kit really needs some getting used to.
Jetpack gives vertical mobility on demand, but is loud (so no sneaking), prevents weapon usage, and can't turn on a dime unless you toggle it on and off. It's good in that you can reach odd platforms very, VERY easily, and also lets you do quick hops between tall structures. Generally better used to gain high ground rather than directly flying at people like Octane or Horizon do.
Tactical deals minor damage, but is an area stun on demand with pretty good range and coverage. Some would say it actually counters Octane by being able to preventing easy run-ins.
Her ult rockets her and her teammates into the air like a jump tower, and allows for group repositioning. This works in conjunction with her passive which auto-scans anyone in her line of sight when skydiving (from dropship, ult, jump tower).
You'll basically never drop into an enemy team's face by accident unless they stayed out of your line of sight the entire time you were falling