>>334758641. Seriously get better sleep. Work on figuring out why you can't lay down to go to bed and fall asleep pretty quickly. There are many strategies to helping this and it can be something as simple as removing the TV from the room to keep you from just staying up and staring at a bright screen to as complicated as getting methods to work and combat an overactive brain when you're not busy.
2. There are options that have existed for a long time for people to use that help with eye-strain which is the major killer of people who work in front of computers all the time, they just refuse to look into it.
3. Again, it's a personal choice thing. There's no way we can stop them from eating like shit or getting healthy, balanced meals (other than to jokingly give them shit in chat about it). This is on them and is their fault in the end.
4. All work has issues with nagging seniors/bosses. This job is not unique in that. I will say that they do have to deal with self promotion and PR a lot which is an entirely different set of skills you need to build.
5. Again, fixable only by themselves and I won't feel bad for someone who brings misery on themselves and refuses to fix a problem they create.
6. This is arguable. Kiara has talked about solutions in chat before and how she went to physical therapy. The thing she refuses to do on her doctors request is to go to a psychologist, even though multiple doctors have said it may have more to do with mentally than physically. She just laughs and says "Too expensive" and that she doesn't think it'll help (which is retarded). I stopped caring about her whining about her condition after she repeatedly talked shit about how 'It won't help anyways'. Can't comment on others much because I don't know the situation in depth like I do Wawa.
7. No clue how true this is, but I wouldn't be surprised if all the weird chemicals and shit they put into food and drinks, as well as packaging did do a little to fuck up the general populous the world over.